Sunday, November 20, 2011

Basic Jewelry Care

As women, we love to buy different varieties of jewelry throughout our life. Irrespective of whether it is Gold, Silver, Platinum, Precious Stones or even imitation, we tend to buy jewelry in all forms and adorn ourselves.  For some, it is sheer craze for new designs and materials, whereas for some others, it is also a form of investment.

Since we spend so much time, money and effort in selecting and buying jewelry, isn't it important that we take care of our treasures too? So, here, I have added some simple, basic tips to care for your jewelry. Some of the tips and techniques have been handed down generations, some from reliable resources like jewelry experts, gemmologists, connoiseurs and from other valuable resources.

We, at Swaram will constantly update new jewelry care techniques, Storage ideas and many more for the benefit of our customers and readers.

For further doubts, queries or suggestions, please feel free to email us at



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